Let the doors open
Let the fresh air in,
Let's runaway from here
Let's change from routine.
Let the fresh air in,
Let's runaway from here
Let's change from routine.
Leave the concrete jungle
Refuge in nature's arm,
Stop being knowledgeable
Live in bewilderment.
Refuge in nature's arm,
Stop being knowledgeable
Live in bewilderment.
Live among the animals
Wake up with birds
Feel the natural chill
Drink the natural water.
Wake up with birds
Feel the natural chill
Drink the natural water.
The forest is for wild
But activities are innocent,
The city is for innocent
But activities are wild.
But activities are innocent,
The city is for innocent
But activities are wild.
Go and explore the earth
Get subdued by her beauty,
The beauty you destroyed
Survives among the beast.
Get subdued by her beauty,
The beauty you destroyed
Survives among the beast.